How to be happy

Yes, it is possible to be happy all the time.

I will start this article by saying that "happiness is the basic need of man", without happiness, life is nothing.
People believe that they will get pleasure from achieving something, and they are making most of life's decisions in this way. But this is not the smart way to live.

You can choose another way to achieve happiness. And that is, "Be happy all the time without depending on any external source." You can achieve this state of free bliss for yourself by making some simple changes in your daily life.

Change at the level of thoughts and physical activity is the first step towards the path of happiness.

People work day and night to accumulate wealth, fame, etc. or indulge in alcohol, porn etc. to get happiness. That happiness is temporary.

You need to learn to be happy while working, rather than achieving your happiness based on results.

You have to understand the art of happiness and apply it in your practical life to be happy, which is very easy to do. In this article, I will share all the possible ways to be happy.

In this article, you will get 15 consecutive exercises. If you always use them, you can increase your happiness.

Note: It is not necessary to follow all 15 practices. Just do whatever you feel is right.

1. Exercise daily

This is the first thing you have to do.
Exercise will help you to overcome laziness, anxiety. It will give you strength. You will feel more relaxed, and your mind will be relaxed.
A peaceful mind is happiness.
Physical activities will keep your mind composed and focused. A composed and focused mind is full of creative and positive thoughts. It will make you happy and make you More confident.

It is scientifically proven that a dull body has a dull mind. The dull mind has destructive and vague thoughts. And remember, a healthy and peaceful mind leads to happiness.

3. Focus on the good.

Start paying attention to the good thing you have right now. We all have infinitely good things to focus on, but we usually ignore all of them.

You have so much good things right now. Such that: you are alive, you are healthy, you have friends and family, and you have opportunities every day to do meaningful work. It may not be right for you right now, but yes, some of these are.
Which means that there are many good things to focus on in your life.

As you start focusing on the good and meaningful things in your life, you will realize that there are many reasons for happiness.

4. Choose happiness

Yes, happiness is a choice.
If you are looking for reasons to be happy, you will probably find them.

5. Stop Comparing

You have your strengths and weaknesses.

Stop comparing yourself with others because no one will win this game, and the comparison will rob you.

Focus on yourself, appreciate who you are, work hard every day to live your best life, and stop comparing yourself to others.

6. Be present in your relationships

Good relationship brings happiness.

Relationships are a beautiful and important part of life. You have to be present in your relationships to make them beautiful.

A survey by Howard states that those who have good relationships in life are happier than others.

Start spending time with people who matter to you. You should not forget the importance of relationships while pursuing any goal.

7. Develop healthy habits

Healthy habits are: Eat healthy, exercise regularly, work smartly, get enough sleep, deepen your understanding of life.

Healthy habits will give you a healthy and energetic body.

Your physical health directly affects your happiness. A lazy body will take your happiness away from you.

8. Conquer Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts are the cause of our happiness and sorrow. Negative thoughts cannot give anything except sorrow.

Happiness comes from within You have to work inside yourself.

To control negative thoughts you have to work on your mind.

To control negative thoughts, try to concentrate and start reading books.

9. Have 7 or 8 hours of sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for good health, brain function and emotional health.

Good and deep sleep keeps the mind fresh, due to which the power of thinking increases, and we are able to do our work very well.
And when all our work seems to be getting better, we will feel happy

10. Take a deep breath.

Taking a deep breath calms our mind and take it in the present moment. Happiness, creativity and passion all exist in the present moment.
Start living in the present moment.

Try this activity 3-4 times a day to bring the mind to the present moment.

11. Meditation

It may seem boring to meditate, but it can have a significant effect on your brain.

It is as simple as sitting quietly with you for 5 minutes.
There is always a matter of meditation in every book which is associated with happiness and spirituality.

Meditation will help you control your mind and thoughts.

12. Be grateful

Being grateful can give your mood a big boost.

Try to see the positive things happening around you. It can be anything, such as your neighbor waving at you or a child giving you flowers.

13. Questioning

The best way to combat sad moments is to ask questions.

Whenever you feel sad, ask yourself why I am sad.

If you do not get an answer, ask yourself again.

Deep questions are the way to win sad moments.
In this way, you will understand the power of questioning.

14. Aware about thoughts

Your thoughts decide whether you will be happy or not. Therefore, you should keep an eye on your thoughts.

When we become aware of our thoughts, we can change the direction of thoughts.

There are a lot of thoughts throughout the day. If we are aware of every moment, our happiness is in our hands.

15. Help others

Whenever we help someone else we get a good feeling. It enhances our happiness.

Try to help others when you get a chance. It makes you feel proud.
