50+ Scientific and Inspiring APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

APJ Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist who led the Missiles and Nuclear Program in India and is called Missile Man.

APJ Abdul Kalam has contributed a lot in reaching India on a large scale. He was also the President of India from 2002 to 2007.

If you want to know more about him, then you can check APJ Abdul kalam audio autobiography on the internet for free.

But how was a poor house boy able to do so much? You can also achieve everything you want, you just have to learn from the right people.

In this, I will explain to you through APJ Abdul Kalam's quotes. Here I have written 50 Abdul Kalam quotes which will help you to know and understand his life journey.

APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

1. Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize a great life. - APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

2. Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is harmony in the house; when there is harmony in the house, there is the order in the nation; when there is the order in the nation, there is peace in the world.

3. Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.

4. Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial, and moral leadership among students and become their role models.

5. The world has today 546 nuclear plants generating electricity. Their experience is being continuously researched, and feedback should be provided to all. 
 Nuclear scientists have to interact with the people of the nation, and academic institutions continuously update nuclear power generation technology and safety.

6. Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? Is it a legacy of our colonial years? We want foreign television sets. We want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology. Why this obsession with everything imported?

7. Tell me, why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?

8. Unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects strength.

9. We have not invaded anyone. We have not conquered anyone. We have not grabbed their land, their culture, their history, and tried to enforce our way of life on them.

10. We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage.

11. To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal. - APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

12. Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person.

13. Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.

14. The President's post should not be politicized. Once a president is elected, he is above politics.

15. Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level.

16. My message, especially to young people is to have the courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to young people.

17. When a nation is surrounded by weaponized nations, she has to equip herself.

18. Today, India consumes about 682 watts per capita, far lesser than developed nations. As India develops, it will definitely require a lot more energy.

19. Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around.

20. The economy forced me to become a vegetarian, but I finally starting liking it.

21. My hair grows and grows; you cannot stop it - that fellow grows, it grows wild. - APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

22. An economically peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka is the dream of the youth of the nation. My message for the youth is to collectively work for an inclusively developed Sri Lanka.

23. For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience.

24. To become 'unique,' the challenge is to fight the hardest battle which anyone can imagine until you reach your destination.

25. There are a number of women who have brought about immense change in society.

26. All the scientists and technologists should work inappropriate regions, specifically the rural technologies, to transform the Indian rural sector.

27. When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realize that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.

28. The government, whether state or central, is elected. That means we have a responsibility to select the right kind of leaders.

29. One of the more difficult tasks for me as president was to decide on the issue of confirming capital punishment awarded by courts... to my surprise... almost all cases that were pending had a social and economic bias. - APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

30. Ultimately, education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. It is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment.

31. Wherever I go, as long as I get a hot vegetable dish, I am okay. If I am in Gujarat, I have Gujarati food. If it's Shillong, it's northeastern.

32. Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self-respect. If only the real sense of education could be realized by each individual and carried forward in every field of human activity, the world will be so much a better place to live in.

33. My 2020 Vision for India is to transform it into a developed nation. That cannot be abstract; it is a lifeline.

34. I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one cannot aspire enough for success.

35. All Birds find shelter during the rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above clouds.

36. Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

37. Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others.

38. Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.

39. Man needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy success.

40. I will work and sweat for a great vision, the vision of transforming India into a developed nation.

41. If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means “First Attempt In Learning”. The end is not the end if fact E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies.” If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means “Next Opportunity”, So let’s be positive.”

42. The best brains of the nations may be found on the last benches of the classrooms.- APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes

43. All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.

44. If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun

45. My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc. You have less bias.

46. The wealth of information now available at the click of a finger amazes me.

47. Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it.

48. For me, there are two types of people: the young and the experienced.

49. It means, people who are in high and responsible positions, if they go against righteousness, righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer.

50. While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else. - APJ Abdul Kalaam Quotes
