How to control your thoughts in a realistic way

Whenever you are happy or sad, the main reason behind it is thoughts. It seems to you that you are unhappy due to some negative situation but in reality, thoughts are their only reason. Your behavior and all actions are done according to a type of mind.

If a person understands how he can control his thoughts by running them according to his own, that person has won the world.

Think, how good it will be if you can learn to control your thoughts and use them accordingly. You will be able to easily control all your emotions and feelings and you will be able to solve all the biggest difficulties of life in a pinch.

Now you guys must be thinking how it is possible, it will be a difficult task. But the amazing thing is that it is very easy to control the thoughts, just need practice and determination only. When you start the practice of the steps and techniques given in this article, then you will definitely get the results.

Before proceeding further, it is important to understand what is thought and how it is the cause of all our sorrows.

Thoughts are what we keep telling ourselves all the time. Whenever we have to do some work or do some planning, we use thoughts. We cannot do any work without the help of thoughts. So actually thoughts are our friends, but using them wrongly makes those thoughts our enemies.

Whenever we talk to ourselves, we talk in the language that we learned in childhood. This means that thoughts are nothing but words. Think if there is no language feed in our memory, then would thoughts ever come to mind?

So far we have understood that the thoughts are not bad, only the controlled thoughts are bad because you do not have any control over them, due to which those controlled thoughts take you to the past or into the future. 

And instead of staying in the present moment, your mind keeps on running here and there, where you cannot find anything other than sorrow.

To achieve anything in life, control over thoughts is very important. You see any successful person, how he is able to manage his work well, the only answer to this question is that the person is control over himself, which means control over thoughts.

Why should you fear uncontrolled thoughts?

An uncontrollable thought process can trigger any feeling or emotion at any time. You must have felt many times that your mood has deteriorated without any reason. The real reason for this is the uncontrollable thoughts that remind you of something that is going to hurt.

How to apply the techniques given in this article?

The practice is the way to learn to control thoughts. When you follow the given steps, then your mind will repeatedly affect you. The mind will tell you to leave it, but at that time you will have to maintain patience.

But gradually when you go on practicing, after some time the subconscious mind will accept this thing. Then you will not have to look back.

How to control your thoughts in a realistic way

1. Be aware of your thoughts

Yes, you have to get used to being aware. You should know what you are thinking at this moment and you will have to ask yourself whether what I am thinking is of any use to me or not.

You must have noticed that something goes on in your mind which is of no use to you. You just have to rein in the same uncontrollable thought process. And to do this, first, you have to be aware of thoughts so that you can slowly understand the thought process and also be able to break.

Keep in mind that when you feel that the uncontrolled thoughts that are going on in your mind are of no use, then do not try to force them to stop, they will not be controlled by stopping. Simply ask the question of whether these thoughts are of any use to me or are they distracting me from my work?

When you remain aware of your thoughts in every moment in this way, then you can also change the direction of your thinking. But all this will not happen in a few days, you will have to practice it peacefully. After falling, again and again, one has to stand up and continue to practice.

With practice, you will naturally learn to be aware of your thoughts at all times.

2. Thoughts are just words

When a monkey in the forest senses a dangerous predator, the monkey warns all the nearby monkeys in sign language that there is danger here. This shows that animals also have a language of their own, but that language has not developed much. Animals use sign language just for communication. Once the work is done, then there is no thought in their mind that can make them happy or sad.

Thoughts keep running in our minds even when we do not need them. And it is important to control this habit, which is only one way and that is to understand that thoughts are just a language that we can use to do any work, more than this, there is no need for thoughts.

When this understanding gets deeper into you, then the useless thoughts will automatically come down. Then you will understand how thoughts should be used and gradually you will become its master.

3. Break the thought chain by questioning

If you observe a little carefully, then you will see that a long chain of thoughts goes on in the mind, in which one thought has no connection to other thoughts, this chain keeps on running on autopilot.

You cannot break this chain without being aware. But as soon as you are aware of this thought chain in your mind, then ask questions quickly. This is it, the right question asked to itself breaks the ongoing thought process. You win as soon as the thought process breaks.

Understand this with an example, suppose you are scrolling on Instagram only when you see a dress, you think of buying it.

- Then comes that father will have to persuade for this.

- But nowadays there is a problem with the job of Father.

- I have to study now so that I get a good job.

- And So On...

When such a thought process is going on, then ask yourself what is most important for me at this moment. It may be that you have come to know, after two months, there is an exam, it is necessary to study and nothing else.

4. Start meditating 

If you want to learn to control the thoughts firmly, then start mediating on a daily basis. I am not saying that you do 1 hour in a day, you can start with 2 minutes. By doing meditation, you will automatically be aware of your thoughts. Meditation is a means of making habbit to be aware for thoughts all the time.

When you follow these given steps from the heart, you will surely learn to control the thoughts. To control thoughts means that you have conquered your mind and now you have control in your hands of every emotion and feeling.
