How to forget the past and start a new life

We all have old memories in life, some good and some bad. Sometimes we remember those good memories but we also remember the bad memories that do not let us move forward in life completely. Bad memories can be anything like breakups, big mistakes, etc.

But life is also one, you would not want to spend it in regret. For this, you have to powerless these bad memories lying on the way. You have to learn how to forget the past which is not a difficult task as much as you think.

There is no bad or good memory, in reality, it is our mind that labels that it is a good memory and it is bad. There is no person who never makes a mistake, but some people move forward in life and in some regrets, they take out their whole life.

How to forget the past and start a new life?

I will share with you some such facts and tips in this article, which after understanding and a little practice, you will not be able to stay in the past even after you wish and will enjoy living in the present moment.

1. Does the past really exist?

Is there any way we can change things by going to the past? Not presently. If you look carefully, in reality, nothing like the past does exist in this world. It is just a present moment and everything is made in it and your past too has died in the present moment.

So why be sad about such things that have died. If you understand deeply, both good and bad memories are dead, there is no sense to remember them. Both types of memories prevent you from living freely. If the mind remains stuck in the past, then how will the present moment be noticed.

In reality, the present moment is life. Only by learning to live in the present moment will you be able to eliminate the power of memories. And gradually you will become adept at how to forget the worst past and move ahead in life.

2. Can bad memories really harm you?

Every person gets thousands of thoughts in a day, out of which only a few are useful. Thoughts in which you have an interest or those you are afraid of, those thoughts never die. One thing is clear from here that we make the thoughts powerful, they do not have strength in themselves.

When you think that thoughts cannot harm you in any way, they become powerless. There are no memories that can make your hair stand out. Just by remembering that memory yourself, you keep creating a psychological pan.

To prevent such memories from dominating you, you have to understand that memories are just thoughts and thoughts are words and words cannot spoil you. So now become tension free and bring your attention to the present moment.

3. The past can never be forgotten.

Yes, in reality, the past cannot be forgotten. Forgetting the past will mean deleting any old file from the mind memory that is possible only in the computer, it is impossible for us. But you can eliminate the memory power so that it is still lying but there is no problem with them.

You should never try to forget the past, and ignore feelings because by doing this they will become more powerful instead of being powerless.

4. Understand the problem and forgive yourself

Unless you understand the reason behind them as Deeply, you cannot make the past powerless. Understand that whatever happened in the past is worth remembering now. If you had made a mistake, then deeply understand what you did wrong and forgive yourself for that mistake.

Understand that you have made a mistake and you cannot change it, but by learning from those mistakes, you can definitely become a better person in life, so forgive yourself.

If someone else has done something wrong with you, then understand that remembering the past is spoiling your present, not someone who has done wrong. To know that you had blindly trusted the next person, now forget the past and start a new life.

5. Where the focus of the mind is, it begins to happen.

If the focus is on positivity and happiness, then life brings happiness to you, but if your focus is on memories, then automatically life will be sad. I mean to say that whatever is the focus, life gives you the same, so if your focus remains in the past, then you will never understand how you forget the past.

Here I will discuss 5 points with you, by focusing on which you can give new directions to your life, there are many other ways to do this.

#1. Change your mindset

First of all, except negativity, start focusing on positivity because there is a lot of positive things in everyone's life, but the focus is on negativity, due to which grief increases in life and the negativity of the past becomes powerful.


As soon as you wake up in the morning and before sleeping at night, remind yourself in your mind how many positive things you have in your life, and feel. By doing this the subconscious mind will start accepting it as true even if it is initially false.

#2. Remove things from life that consciously remind you of the past.

There are many such things and things in our life that deliberately remind us of the past. Deep down you know about those people but you are unable to take any action. There is no harm in going away from such mean people because here your happiness of life is at stake.

After removing the extra people from life, focus on your vision, and forget your past and start a new life. Problems will still come, but then problems will be weaker than you.

#3. Set Your Vision

In reality, now your past is not your life, but it is a future that you have to live openly and achieve goals. Explore your potential and have the courage to achieve anything in life. Putting the focus on just the goals and the vision makes the past memory powerless.

#4. Learn to forgive from the heart

Whenever you catch something in your heart, it becomes strong and breaks your heart. If someone who has done wrong with you, if you keep it in your heart, then you will be emotionally broken, the next person will not have a difference in it.

But if you go ahead and forgive, then there is no problem. Better than carrying the burden in the heart, take it down and move ahead. An athlete can never win if he races with a weight on his head.

#5. Stop worrying about people

When you do something to get up in the eyes of people, it makes you fall in your own eyes. While you must rise in your own eyes, that will make you mentally strong. You do not need to approve of people because you are as good as you are.

6. How to forget past love

Sometimes you may have to go away from your love because anything can happen in life. You attach so much emotionally to those people that you do not tolerate them going away. It would be completely wrong to say that you should not love anyone.

But the way to get out of this sorrow is that you understand that the endless emotional pain you are experiencing is just a chemical sensation. When you watch this chemical sensation carefully, its effect starts to decrease.

You should be happy that people in your life have come to love you or have taught you important life lessons. And instead of getting stuck in all these experiences, learn from them to become a better person in life because every challenge teaches you a lot.

7. You have limitless potential

If you think that you cannot bear the pain then you think wrong because there is infinite capacity in the human mind. There is nothing that is more powerful than you but your thoughts make you small.

If you look in the world, you will find that despite having so many problems in the lives of many people, they are absolutely stable. This means that what you think about yourself is not true because the truth is that which is the same for all, the truth never changes.

When you explore your potential, you will find that nothing is impossible for you. Whether it is to forget the past or past relationship or the love of the past or someone.


I hope that you will be able to understand that your life is not going to get better by remembering the past and the past does not let you live freely until you forget it and move on. When there is no burden of the past in life, only then you will be able to explore the entire potential of life.

Understanding the life fundamentals given in this article, achieve victory over the mind, and move forward. Understand those aspects of life that are important to understand. The things given in this article are not useful until you bring them to life.
