What is Positive thinking? how it can change your life.

Have you ever thought what is the actual meaning of positive thinking? There are many things related to this term on the Internet, but how much of them are true? 

the truth is most of them do not have any meaning, just by picking them up, they have been printed on the Internet.

Positive thinking can take your life in the right direction and make all the problems of the mind disappear. 

But for that you must know the true meaning of positive thinking, only then you will be able to use positive thinking correctly.

Many times you must have felt that there is no clarity in the mind due to which you are not able to take the right decision in life. And life cannot go in the right direction without the right decisions. 

A mindless or confused mind is the result of wrong thinking, so to give the right direction to your life and make the right decisions, you must understand the correct definition of positive thinking.

Understanding the true meaning of positive thinking will make your life easier, it will fill you with new energy and open all doors of happiness for you. So let's understand positive thinking.

Table of content

  • What is positive thinking?
  • Misconception about positive thinking.
  • Examples of positive thinking.
  • Benefits of positive thinking.
  • Conclusion.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking can be called realistic thinking, ie thinking that is based on facts and not beliefs. When thinking is based on facts, there is no scope for any confusion in it. That realistic thinking keeps you looking the right way and keeps the mind peaceful.

Realistic or positive thinking never drives you away from your psychological fears but builds the courage to fight them.

So this was the correct definition of positive thinking. Now bring it into your life and adopt a new approach to thinking. If you practice it, then I bet you that your life will be more practical and happier than before.

Misconceptions about positive thinking

People believe that if they think well about an event in the future, then everything will be good and they consider it to be positive thinking. But is it based on some facts? No, then how can it be called positive thinking, it is just wishful thinking that has nothing to do with reality.

Because there will be some good or bad in the future, it depends on thousands of external factors that are not in your hands. 

So if you say that everything will be right, then it is a wrong thought. Doing so also creates fear in your mind - "What will happen if not done right".

When some thinking creates a psychophysical fear in your mind, then it is understood that it is wrong or negative thinking. On the contrary, positive thinking frees you from fear and leads you to light.

So now you have well understood the difference between positive thinking and wishful thinking. But if there is still any doubt, then that doubt will be overcome with the example of positive thinking given further.

Let's understand further by positive thinking example.

Imagine that you need a job because the financial condition of your house is getting worse. And after 1 month you are going to be interviewed in a company. Now, to stay positive in this situation, you say to yourself "I am going to get a job".

Now I ask you the question, what is the guarantee that you are going to get this job? The company does not care what the financial condition of your house is, it just wants its benefits.

Of course, such a thought will charge you up temporarily but there will also be a fear that - "What if I am not selected." This fear will arise because your planning is wrong.

With this kind of wishful thinking, you will get the result or not, but you will get a fear which will end you from inside.

But in this situation you think that - "I will use the next one month very well to understand the company's need and will go for the interview after doing the complete preparation, after that if I get a job then it is great and if not So the company is at a disadvantage. "

It is called real positive thinking which does not require any kind of belief, it is absolutely accurate and clear. 

It takes you away from all kinds of psychological fears. And when there is no fear in your mind, then you can give better interviews.

Benefits of positive thinking

By now you must have understood how positive thinking can change our lives. So why be late now to start the practice of positive thinking. Below are some advantages of positive thinking, read and understand them.

1. Better positive than negative

See, negative thinking cannot give you anything other than fear, so it is better that you think positively. Fear binds the person inside and does not allow the freedom to live freely. Now the decision is in your hand whether you want to live tied or openly.

2. Reduce stress 

positive thinking lightens the mind because positive thinking has nothing but the truth. With positive thinking, every aspect of the situation can be understood, which reduces stress.

3. Happiness 

Every person wants to be free from inside, and positive thinking leads to freedom, so happiness also increases.

4. Enhance Confidence

Positive thinking also enhances self-esteem in humans with confidence. Confidence is never lacking when the thought is clear.

5. Right Decisions 

To take the right decision at every step in life, one must have confidence in his mind, and that comes from positive thinking.

How to apply positive thinking

Even after knowing what is positive thinking, it is not going to happen that you will start thinking everything positive now. Positive Thinking has to be brought to life with practice. Follow the steps given below.

1. Use positive words: 

When the positive words are repeated, then the subconscious mind accepts it, and then it happens to you. And by using negative words, the mind becomes aware of the negativity, which only brings sorrow in life.

2. See the positive side of failure: 

Whenever failure comes, the mind only sees its negative side while every failure also comes with some learning and opportunities.

3. Analyze what went wrong: 

Positive thinking does not mean thinking - "Nothing can go wrong." Whereas the situation has to be closely analyzed and wrong aspects have to be seen.


I hope that by reading this article, you must have been clear what is positive thinking and how to practice it. There are countless benefits of positive thinking and some are also written in this article. I am not saying that you will become positive in a single day, but with some practice, you will get the results. 

Thank you !
